Žorsteinn H. Ingibergsson
Žorsteinn H. Ingibergsson
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
Lives (lived) in Iceland

Žorsteinn is 54 years old and he is an amateur photographer, born in Iceland 1960. He never got any special photographic education of any kind. He got his interest very young, but the real and biggest inspirations for taking photos knocked on the door around 20 years ago. He is actually a contractor, - that“s what he is doing for a living, and he is educated in. He is running a company as well in that field. Photos by him have got quite a good success in contests, and been published in magazines, newspapers, Christmas cards and on several web pages as well.


His images are available to buy on highest quality printing, in multiple sizes on his webpage : http://structor.pixu.com/

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