Yves Klein
Born on 04/28/1928
Born in Nizza
Died on 06/06/1962
  Yves Klein, born on April 28th, 1928 in Nice, began in 1946 to think about the idea of unicolor. As of 1950, he created the first monochrome pictures in red and gold. After 1955 he restricted his works to a bright deep ultra- marine, which he had patented in 1957 as IKB (Inter- national Klein Blue). In 1960, Klein was one of the foun- ders of New Realism, in which real objects were used instead of images to depict other objects.

Klein was also famous for his "happenings" in which naked female models were painted blue and then pressed their bodies against a screen made out of fabric. These acts of body impressions, also called "Anthropométrien ", were often accompanied by an orchestra that intoned Klein's compositions. His death on June 6, 1962 in Paris came as a surprise.

All pictures by Yves Klein display/show