Roland Helerand
Roland Helerand
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
Lives (lived) in Estonia
  As a boy I used to develop photos with my father and fall asleep in the dark room dreaming photographing wild places and calm faces. Growing up my dream became my passion and nowadays I shoot through my lenses everything visible to human eye. The next thing my father taught me was fishing only in my case I always caught fishes through my lens and never through my nets. And that?s a challenge and as a photographer I love challenges. Challenges make photography personal and photography for me is something personal; very personal. I born in Russia and moved with my family when I was 3 to Estonia. Nowadays I live in Finland combining manners and styles from both sides of the Baltic. I speak Estonian, Russian, English, Finnish and German and I love meeting through my lens calm faces and wild places.

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