Robert Delaunay
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
  The Delaunay couple stand for one of the few examples in modern art of two creative and strong-willed artistic personalities forming a partnership who placed demands on each other and achieved success in different areas, without losing sight of their mutual artistic preferences.

Based on the works of Le Douanier, the naive Henri Rousseau, the colours of Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group (Macke, Marc, Kandinsky) and first-phase cubism. Robert Delaunay developed a high-contrast geometrically flat style he himself referred to as 'colour cubism'. The phenomenon of the simultaneous effect, where juxtaposed colours affect and complement each other, appeared in windows, circles and rounded forms.

In 1910, Robert Delaunay married the painter Sonia Terk, who was fascinated by Robert's works and applied his techniques to other media. She worked the light effects, the clearly contoured colour blocks, into tapestries, theatre decorations and chiefly into fabric designs, which served as inspiration for the haute couture of the Parisian fashion world and were rediscovered, as classics, only a few years ago.

All pictures by Robert Delaunay display/show