Ralf Eisenhut
Ralf Eisenhut
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
Lives (lived) in Germany

Interested in photography I´m since september 2010 when I bought my first digital DSRL.   Bevor I only took snapshots during holyday. With serveral books I self teached the basics of photography. At first looking for the light with preference in the nature, of course that means sunlight. Bright sunlight of the wintersun or sunlight on grass or whatever, I like it. Landscape Photography I like very much.

Meanwhile my special interest are everyday scenes, not "street-photography" , my favorit Images are a sort of everyday stilllife of our surrounding. In my mind I had this since reading an article about Stephen Shore in the "FotoMAGAZIN" some month after beginning with photography in 2010 and looking at the photos of this famous Artist and Photographer.  The  Photograpies in the book  "Uncommon Places" ( and also newer ones ) are always an inspiration for me.


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