Pavol Stranak
Pavol Stranak
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
Lives (lived) in Slovakia
  Traveling is like a drug. Photography is passion. All this created for me like this:

Headmaster teached geography and he entrusted important function to two boys seated in the last desk. My classmate Juro and me had a task to bring a map necessary to next Geography lesson from science cabinet. We assumed this task with pleasure, because various geographical pastimes, for example, games with atlas engaged us almost every break. One of us chose the least known city, river, hill and revealed continent and the other was trying to find it in the shortest possible time. It may not sound like the most fun game, but it allowed us to dream. To dream of distant lands, adventurous, wild natives, uncharted territories, special cultures. Whit the passing years my dreams didnīt disappear, but obtained realistic contours, crystallized on specific plans. Increasingly, I had more and more reasons to go somewhere. The best reasons are always quite simple.

By way of photography, I try to offer honest insight, first-hand impressions, experiences acquired during expeditions to various parts of the world. Take a peek!

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