Pablo Picasso
Born on 10/25/1881
Born in Malaga
Died on 04/08/1973

Coiner of the modern era

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, and ceramicist who influenced a number of 20th-century stylistic eras like no other artistic figure. He was born in Malaga, Spain, on October 25, 1881, and died in Mougins, France, on April 8, 1973.

Picasso was interested in art from an early age and began his career as a teenager. He studied art in Barcelona and Madrid and the Academia San Fernandio in Madrid, moving to Paris in 1904 and quickly developing his own style, influenced by the Cubist movement and African art. His artworks were characterized by a unique representation of form, color and space.

Prior to this, a first independent figurative style emerged already from 1901 in his "Blue Period", which was followed by the so-called "Pink Period" until 1906. With the centennial work "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" 1906/07, which triggered the analytical Cubism, he radically revolutionized the artistic way of seeing. This was followed from 1912 by the phase of Synthetic Cubism, which was followed at the beginning of the twenties by a representational "classicist" direction that took on Surrealist features in 1925. The high point of his work is considered to be the "Guernica", created on the occasion of the Spanish Civil War, which was made in 1937 for the World's Fair in Paris.

After the Second World War, Picasso experimented with new techniques and themes. Lithography and his ceramics, created from 1947 in Vallauris near Cannes, initially dominated his work. With highly simplified curvilinear lines and contours, his mature late work emerged in the 1950s, evolving into a detached classicism in the 1960s in partly cheerful parodic themes and portraits of women.

Picasso created many canvas paintings, which were often reproduced as art prints. His works are characterized by a variety of styles and techniques that he developed throughout his career. He created many famous works of art such as "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and "Guernica", which became icons in the history of art.

Picasso was a highly respected artist and was honored with numerous prizes and awards for his contributions to art. He was also a lecturer and taught art at various universities in Europe and the United States.

Pablo Picasso influenced many other artists and art movements throughout his career. He was one of the founders of Cubism and is considered one of the most important representatives of Surrealism. His art prints and canvas paintings are highly sought after today and are appreciated by art lovers all over the world.

Picasso has left a lasting impression on art history and is considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His artwork is an important part of modern art history and his contributions to art have had a lasting impact on the art world.

All pictures by Pablo Picasso display/show