Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia
Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
Lives (lived) in Spain

I am an amateur photographer whose passion for photography is linked to traveling. During my first travels I used a compact camera and was not pleased with the results, which did not look as what I recalled from those places. This is one of the reasons I attended a photography course in 2007,  organized by the "Sociedad  Fotográfica de Gipuzkoa" (Gipuzkoa's Photography Society). It's a non-profit organization located in San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa, Spain). This is where, thanks to its members, I learned the basics of photography. I will always be grateful to this organization I belong to as member nº 3.792.

I also learn from books, specially from Magnum authors and magazines such as the no longer editing Eyemazing and also from watching a lot of pictures.

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