Huib Limberg
Huib Limberg
Born on 00/00/0000
Died on 00/00/0000
Lives (lived) in Netherlands
  1944 The Netherlands, self-taught: analogue as well as digital! In the seventies I started making photographs of nature events and symptoms. In 1979 I decided to join a photo club in my neighbourhood. This in fact was the beginning of being an ambitious recreational photographer. Today I am not always interested in photographing the surroundings as it is but try to record my interpretation or experience of these surroundings. Unsharpness avoids that the attention for details the reality, the emotion of the moment, will fade. I work thematically with an absolute preference for aesthetic and creative photography. I give myself an assignment and will not stop making photographs unless I think I got everything out of this assignment. Some of my assignments may take half a year while others take 4 years or even longer! By working this way black and white series arise like traffic signs, moving trees, wall landscapes and sequences. And colour series arise like billboards, shop-windows, flowers/ plants and reflections. If you want to see more of my works you can reach me: My homepage is open for you: night and day, welcome! Greetings from The Netherlands, Huib Limberg

All pictures by Huib Limberg display/show